Saturday, October 10, 2009

Over-reaction to Maths PSLE Gets Flake from Forumers

Brilliant forum responses here to one father's online gripe about the PSLE Maths being too difficult for his son - resulting in his son's loss of confidence.  Seems like Singaporeans do have tenacity and most Singaporean parents are enlightened afterall.

Read the forum here - classic!

Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize? WTF?!??!?!?!?!

Have the Nobel Peace Prize committee members taken leave of their sensibilities??? Seriously?!?!

Absolute crap. Simply ridiculous. An insult to all the previous awardees, and an absolute absurdity! The Nobel Peace Prize Committee has truly made a mockery out of themselves. How
is Obama any better than some of the other world leaders working to
reduce nuclear weapons and bring world peace? Except that he seems
better than his predecessor. And ...there
has been no concrete sustained results as yet! This Prize is awarded
based on HOPE, as much as Obama was elected based on the Promise of
Change! And he has yet to deliver! My goodness. I think our LKY or S. Rajaratnam, who penned our Singaporean Pledge - regardless of race, language or religion -  should get
the Nobel Peace Prize then, and all the more qualified for it, for
shaping and moulding a working national model of racial-ethnic harmony
that has lasted for some 40 years. Now, that is real change, and real
promise, and real hope, for the rest of the world as to Peace.

Thursday, October 08, 2009


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Tan Wei Lie