CH Events July August 2007 Return for the annual Get-togethers!
Time to do some publicity....
July and August - the traditional CH Get-together Months for old boys and current students.
The series of events and concerts/performances all of you guys can come back for are:
30 June Saturday Homecoming CH Campus @ Bishan Coupons available onsite
7 July Saturday CH Music Awards CH School Hall Tickets from iMedia
28 July Saturday CH Young Performers Showcase Victoria Concert Hall Tics $5 from me, or current/past music or performing arts groups students
3-4 Aug Fri/Sat CH Drama Festival Victoria Theatre Tickets from School General Office or me
7 Aug Tue (National Day Eve's Eve) Esplanade 'Limelite Series': CH Symphony Band Tickets at $15 (Student Concession) +$1 Ticket Charge available at or from me.
Right then, Come for ALL the performances and have an INTENSE, PACKED, VARIED and ROARING GOODTIME with your CH Brothers.