Sunday, December 25, 2005

Love, Actually

The Christmas season is the time to reflect upon the beauty of life, and love. 'Love Actually' is a British christmas movie produced about 2 years back, starring all the British greats. It's still as fresh as ever a film,, as heartwarming as ever when I caught it earlier this evening on cable.

It's a great film about how different people from different stations in life search for and deal with love. Set within the 5 weeks leading to Christmas, the film culminates on Christmas Eve itself. It has great popular love songs aptly providing a background musical commentary on the many acts of love by the different characters. There were very little gushing love scenes, but more of the subtle acts of love in daily life. I can't reveal more, for that will lessen the appreciation and enjoyment for those who have not watched it. Well, trust me, go watch it, and allow the interactions and juxtoposition of the different little nuances of love in the film lead your senses and your hearts.

I had watch the film before, but somehow this evening, its message came through with great alacrity - Love Actually. Indeed, what is love, actually? And this visual presentation provides that answer, or answers to be exact. Love is all around. Love comes in all aspects. Love exists and is manifested in all aspects of life - whether we know it or not. A father lifting up a baby in the air, parents embracing their son/daughter upon returning from a long study stay abroad, friendships, courtship and romance, etc etc.. these are all little aspects of love all around in our daily lives.

Observe and appreciate the little acts of love between the people in our lives, pass on our love to our loved ones, and let our hearts be truly warmed.

Merry Christmas!


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